FREE Online Fiddle Lessons, Philosophy, and Secrets!

Welcome to Between Stations

Welcome to Between Stations - Free Fiddle Lessons for Bluegrass, Folk, Traditional Irish, and Blues. Also detailed articles and instruction for selecting a fiddle and bow, stringed instrument maintenance, tuning, and stage performance.

I'm glad you stopped by to check out my online fiddle lessons. I've learned much over the past 20 years being a musician, and I'm excited to be able to share these experiences with you. All the lessons and articles on this site are free to share, and if you have a question just ask! Also, If there is a violin or fiddle tune you would like to learn just leave me a comment or send me an e-mail and I'll be glad to post it for you! Happy Fiddlin'!


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Old Joe Clark...embellished.


  1. dude.. awesome.. get a better cameral angle though, I love watching them fingers move-HH

  2. Thanks! Yeah I'm still tweaking the sound and video...but I'll get it cleared up.
